Qi Gong / Tai Ji Quan

Qi Gong

Qi Gong refers us to the memory of the void.
The prime aim of Qi Gong is to draw forth our profound nature.

Qi GongQi Gong

Qi Gong is an internal martial art of embryonic breathing

Qi Gong has been practised for 7,000 years and is our ancestors' very first preventative medicine and also a form of spiritual expression common to all humanity. The energy practice of Qi (CHI or GI) Gong is the meeting of the Daoist (Taoist) tradition, focused on man's ‘verticality' and the opening of the pelvic region, and the Buddhist tradition, which seeks to open the heart.

The chinese ideogram QI means energy breath or life force energy, which concerns the union and the balancing of subtle celestial energies with the earth's nourishing energy, whereas GONG means mastery of the self or self adjustment.

This energy discipline allows us to reconnect with a profound dimension of ourselves, our embryonic breathing, that which is the conscious breathing of each cell in our body.
Shaped by chinese sages for thousands of years, Qi Gong isn't just chinese, it is universal, in the sense that it is the expression of the memory of sacred breath and energy, common to all humanity.


the embryo is in a state of weightlessnessthe embryo is in a state of weightlessness

Qi Gong finds its origin in the gestation period

During its evolutionary journey, the embryo is in a state of weightlessness and is nourished by the palpitation of sacred breath. It is 'seated' on its invisible chair, hearing and listening to everything around it.
Gradually its body takes shape and the embryo becomes a receptacle of universal knowledge.

When a child is born into this human world, he is imbued with the unity of the other world. He learns to adjust to the different resonances and frequencies of those around him. As he grows into adulthood, his vocation is to fulfil his life project through the rediscovery of his pre-natal embryonic breathing.